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Sample Faction / Faction Generator

Completion Status
Work in progress
Canon Status


Unfairest of them all
* = Optional

- Faction name
- Motto*
- Type of faction
- Hierarchy
- Current ambitions
- Location(s)
- Wealth
- Prestige: how do non-members tend to react towards members of this faction?
- Influence? An aggregate measure of power, wealth, and prestige. Influence is helpful when approaching the king, dealing with other nobles, and leaning on vassals. In game terms, think of this as “What are the chances of the family achieving its goals?”. Use this to gauge the success of the noble’s plots, plans, and acquisitions. If you want to quantify influence for specific in-game ventures or your own OCD, roll 1d6 every time the noble wants to do something major (see “Current Ambitions,” below). If the result is less than their original Influence roll below, they push through on their plans.
- Allies & Enemies: relationships to other factions - influence?
- Secrets
- Origin
- Recent Events
- Members

- House Head
- Holdings
- Law
- Population
- Power...Military capabilities?
- Wealth

Family size: 1d6
1-2: Small (2d6)
3-5: Medium (2d6+6)
6: Huge (2d6+12)

  1. Advance a member to Archon
  2. Advance a member to Magistrate
  3. Advance the (d6: 1 religion; 2-3 pet construction project; 4 local commodities; 5 military; 6 population size)
  4. Acquire more land (d6: 1-2 strategic location; 3-5 valuable resource; 6 special feature)
  5. Dispose of (d6: 1-2 another noble; 3 non-secular official; 4 military officer; 5 high-level bureaucrat; 6 powerful adventurer)
  6. Marry into a particular family for (d6: 1 wealth; 2 love; 3-4 political advantage; 5 lust; 6 nefarious purposes)
  7. Bring about (d6: 1-2 political; 3-4 economic; 5 religious; 6 judicial) reform
  8. Take a bite out of crime
  9. Build fortification (d6: 1-2 defensive wall; 3-4 tower; 5 keep; 6 castle)
  10. Build infrastructure (d6: 1-2 road; 3 bridge; 4 watch tower; 5 signal beacon; 6 folly)
  11. Clear stain on family name
  12. Make a name for the family via (d6: 1-2 adventuring/exploring; 3-4 amassing wealth; 5 military conquest; 6 political influence)

  1. Member became an Archon
  2. Member became a Magistrate
  3. Achieved overwhelming military victory
  4. Achieved Pyrrhic military victory
  5. Suffered military defeat
  6. Driven out/slain marauding monster
  7. Member taken hostage
  8. Brokered major diplomatic arrangement (truce, trade agreement)
  9. Discovered valuable commodity
  10. Birth in the family
  11. Death in the family (natural causes, battle, accidental, questionable circumstances)
  12. Wilderness within fief is plagued by (d6: 1-2 outlaws; 3-4 wandering monster; 5 refugees; 6 humanoid band)
  13. Participated in a duel (d6: 1-2 won; 3-4 lost; 5-6 draw)
  14. Afflicted by plague
  15. Lost/losing money as a result of (d6: 1 stolen heirloom; 2-3 bad business; 4 raiders; 5 rival noble; 6 freak accident)
  16. Holdings or vassal settlement endangered by (d6: 1 attack; 2-3 plague; 4-5 low food supply; 6 bandits)
  17. Falling fortunes due to causing drama
  18. Suffered the results of a cruel treachery, or perpetrated a duplicitous act. The event stains the family's name.
  19. A period of collapse, destruction, and ruin. An invasion from afar.
  20. A pretender to your claims
  21. The family won great glory through personal heroism and intrepid valor. The responsible ancestor is still spoken of highly.
  22. The house was involved in some great scandal that haunts them still. A notable bastard-prince, a lurid incest, a failed conspiracy, an act of severe corruption.
  23. Your family produced a character of unspeakable cruelty and wickedness. Their name is still whispered with dread. They may have committed terrible crimes in their home, or killed guests under protection. Future events may be the result of this villainy.
  24. A terrible omen befell your house - a vision of a raven, a plague of rats, three windmills burning, twenty doves in formation. It is up to you if the omen is good or bad, and if the events came to pass.

  1. None (outwardly, things seem a little too perfect…)
  2. Engaged in treasonous activity with (d6: 1 independent actor; 2-3 official body; 4-5 foreign power; 6 dissident element)
  3. Perpetrated and covered up a capital crime (e.g., murder, rape, arson)
  4. Under the enchantment of a (d6: 1-3 cursed item; 4 spell caster; 5 demon; 6 demanding immortal)
  5. Manipulates the system to avoid military service
  6. Supports a band of (d6: 1-3 outlaws; 4 humanoids; 5 organised thieves; 6 dangerous mercenaries)
  7. Withholds taxes to (d6: 1-2 amass personal hoard; 3-4 divert funds; 5 cover gambling debts; 6 pay an extortionist)
  8. Sideline poacher (d6: 1-2 fish & game; 3-5 natural resource; 6 valuable commodity)
  9. Afflicted with terrible disease
  10. Family history of mental illness
  11. Member of (d6: 1-2 death cult; 3-4 outlawed profession (e.g. sorcerer); 5-6 seditious faction)
  12. Addicted to (d6: 1-3 legal or widely available intoxicant; 4 committing crimes; 5 material possessions; 6 exotic drug)
  13. Family is divided among itself
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